Health Coaching is an opportunity to discover what is holding you back from where you want to be.
Health Coaching is a chance to create strategies to achieve your goals to fit health and wellness into an already busy schedule. Learn how to prioritize your health without having to sacrifice fun, family time, work, and social time.
Who needs Health Coaching? The over committed person who knows it's time to make a change in their health and fitness but either don't know where to start OR you do know where to start you just have a hard time committing. You need accountability and a plan.
Your reason for change is unique to you. Sometimes it's about weight or it could be about feeling better, having more energy, being a better person, being a better Mom, more stable moods or looking better. Sometimes it's about recognizing what your body is trying to tell you. Did you know your body is constantly giving you que's on what it needs? Have you taken the time to listen to your body? Have you ever thought about that?
Let go of the chaos in your head around wanting to exercise and wanting to eat better. It just weighs you down, it's time consuming. You just need help with a plan.
One of my biggest strategies is if you have a plan it takes the thinking out of it. If you know what feels good for you and you have a structure around it, it's easier to stay focused. What I'm asking you to do is simple but it's not always easy. My recommendations are simple really, but sticking to it can be where you feel derailed and can make it complicated but with frequent check-in's you can get the support and the accountability you need to achieve your goals. Plus a new found intuition around what your body actually needs to feel optimal health.
All sessions are done over the phone at your convenience.
Each session is $100.
3 session minimum, and if you need a 15 minute consult to get the ball rolling reach out here.